The best wines to pair with Salmon Loaf are Sauvignon Blanc, Rosé, and Beaujolais Villages. Sauvignon Blanc is amazing with Salmon Loaf prepared with a lemon-dill sauce as the grassy notes of the wine go great with the dill flavours while the citrus notes of Sauvignon Blanc are exceptional with the lemon flavours. Meanwhile, Beaujolais Villages will go great with Salmon Loaf glazed with a tangy tomato sauce. I’ve only had this variation of Salmon Loaf once, and I enjoyed how the berry flavours of Beaujolais complemented the perceived sweetness of the tomato glaze.

Salmon Loaf is exactly what it sounds like, it’s meatloaf prepared with Salmon, rather than beef or pork. Thus, you have a mix of Salmon (usually canned), mixed with egg, and breadcrumbs. It’s often flavoured with ingredients like onions, garlic, lemon, and herbs such as dill or parsley to enhance the salmon’s flavour. The mixture is typically baked until golden brown. This baking process (which produces an amazing crust), along with any breadcrumbs soaking up the moisture can dry out your Salmon Loaf, thus acidic red and white wines will provide plenty of refreshment if you have accidently overcooked your Salmon Loaf.

In the table below, I go into further explanations for each individual wine pairing.

+ Click on the plus sign in the table below to expand upon why these individual pairings work! +

Best Wine with Salmon Loaf